EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCELearn how to recognise and understand one of the most important intelligences, helping own your own emotions as well as the emotions of others. This interactive session aims to explain the theory behind Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence Framework and the skills associated with EI. Identify how EI can impact your behaviour and actions in a range of situations. Develop your ability to manage your responses to improve your emotional intelligence. These skills can be beneficial both at home and in the workplace.
Course ID: A243
Date: Sat 22 February Time: 9am-3.30pm Course Length: 1 day Fee: $75 Tutor: Dr Melanie Miller Venue: Kamo High School Level: All |
LEADERSHIP vs MANAGEMENTEvery good manager strives to be a good leader, but management and leadership are two different mindsets. Management tends to consider the what and the how, whilst Leadership considers the why. The former focuses on the results and the latter on the purpose and vision. In this workshop learn how you already possess and apply these skills both in your home life and the workplace. Discover how to get the balance right between these two disciplines with some practical tips and exercises.
Course ID: A242
Date: Saturday 1 March Time: 9am-3.30pm Course Length: 1 Day Fee: $75 Tutor: Dr Melanie Miller Venue: Kamo High School Level: All |
PHOTOGRAPHY for BEGINNERSSharpen up your photo skills! Take your photos to the next level by learning the fundamental skills and theory of good photography. Break away from ‘auto mode’ and get the best results from your camera. Discover shutter speeds, apertures and look at composition and lighting. Learn to use the full capabilities of your camera to produce professional looking photos. This is a practical workshop designed for beginners and suitable for both SLR and compact digital cameras.
Course ID: A260
Start date: Wed 5 March Time: 6pm-8:30pm Course Length: 4 Weeks Course Fee: $100 Tutor: Sally McGunnigle Venue: Kamo High School Level: All Requirements: Bring your camera, and manual (if possible) |
CUSTOMER SERVICEAn opportunity to reflect on ways to add value to the customer experience along with developing a customer focused, can-do attitude to deliver service excellence with self-assurance to a wide range of customers —even with the more challenging customers.
Course ID: A257
Date: Thursday 27 March Time: 6pm-8pm Course Length: 1 Evening Course Fee: $30 Tutor: Judith Sunderland Venue: Kamo High School |
PRESENTATION SKILLSDo you try to avoid any situation where you have to speak in front of others? Do you break into a cold sweat at the mere thought of having to give a formal presentation? Presentation skills aren’t just for public speakers - they’re essential in various scenarios, from team meetings to personal celebrations. The good news is there are lots of things you can do to become a more effective and confident presenter, whether you're addressing a handful of people or a crowd of thousands.
Top presentation tips will include: The importance of planning; how to add personality and life into your presenting style; what to do when things go wrong; how to engage with your audience and handle their questions. Sharpen your communication skills and create those “Wow” moments that will make your presentation memorable. Consider investing in a presentation skills course to reap these benefits and gain confidence! Course ID: A250
Start date: Monday 17 February Time: 6-8.30pm Course Length: 3 Weeks Course Fee: $80 Tutor: Judith Sunderland Venue: Kamo High School |
MASSAGE: BEGINNERSHave you ever wished you could help yourself, friends, & family relieve pain, reduce tension, & generally feel better? If so, this one day course is perfect for you! Discover the fundamentals of the human body, including bone structures & muscles, to improve circulation, clarity, flexibility, & energy levels—all while enjoying the feel-good benefits! This practice is easy to learn & can be done comfortably at home. Additionally, learn how to balance your life using various modalities by considering the bigger picture when caring for your body. Your tutor brings 15 years of experience in both Western & Eastern massage techniques.
Course ID: A480
Date: Saturday 22 February Time: 9am-3.30pm Course Length: 1 Day Course Fee: $75 Tutor: Aiko Fukumoto Venue: Kamo High School Level: All Requirements: some supplies needed |
BOOST YOUR COMMUNICATION SKILLSWe have all been in situations where we’ve been misunderstood, despite agreeing on a course of action & giving what we thought were clear instructions, leaving us frustrated or angry. Was it them or our inability to communicate clearly? We’ve sent an email in haste & wonder why we receive a curt (or no) response. We have failed to listen & engage with the other person and wonder why we don’t get the contract, the job offer or follow up social engagement. Do you avoid difficult situations because you don’t know how to deal with them? Communication skills are necessary because they help us to share information, understand others & build connections. They play a vital role in professional relationships, education, work & socially. Good communication enables clear expression, active listening & collaboration. It enhances understanding & reduces conflict. Join this short one-day workshop to help boost your communication skills.
Course ID: A255
Date: Sat 22 February Time: 9am-3.30pm Course Length: 1 Day Course Fee: $75 Tutor: Judith Sunderland Venue: Kamo High School Level: All |
FORAGING: WILD WEEDS FOR FOOD & HEALTHAre you curious and open to new tastes? Dis-cover how to forage for wild herbs. Learn how to identify and use edible wild herbs that are full of vitamins, minerals and essential phyto-chemicals, which are way more nutritious than cultivated veggies. Challenge your taste buds and get to know some of the weeds/herbs that you will find (almost) anywhere.
Course ID: A230
Date: Saturday 1 March Time: 9am-12pm Course Length: 1 Morning Course Fee: $40 Tutor: Bianca Haux Venue: Offsite Level: All |
VISION BOARD WORKSHOPHave fun creating your own Vision Boards! They are a great tool for inspiration, motivation, future planning, creativity, & therapeutic art. Vision Boards are also an affordable & relaxing hobby that the whole family can get involved in. Experiment with a variety of fun & easy vision board techniques that you can continue to use at home. No art experience is needed and all materials are provided.
Course ID: A19
Date: Saturday 8 March Time: 9am-3.30pm Course Length: 1 Day Course Fee: $85 Tutor: Shelley Chappory Venue: Kamo High School |
COMPOSTINGLearn how to make those waste kitchen scraps and other prunings, hedge clippings, etc into something wonderful for your garden. Included is all the information that you need to set up your own composting unit (including Bokashi) along with contacts and people to help you with the necessary equipment.
Course ID: A215
Date: Sat 22 March Time: 9am-1pm Course Length: 1 Morning Course Fee: $45 Tutor: John Ringer Venue: Kamo High School Level: All |
DISCOVER YOUR FAMILY HISTORYDiscover your ancestors online using a variety of free techniques you can try at home. Family history is a relaxing and affordable hobby that everyone can enjoy. Uncover the fascinating true stories behind your family mysteries and learn about DNA genealogy tests and the different options available. Join us for a peaceful day of exploring your heritage.
Course ID: A137
Date: Saturday 29 March Time: 9am-3.30pm Course Length: 1 Day Course Fee: $75 Tutor: Shelley Chappory Venue: Kamo High School Requirements: Basic computer skills |
PŌTAE WORKSHOPCome weave with us! During this workshop you will be guided through the making of a pōtae (hat). This course is aimed at those who have already done some weaving and is not suitable for absolute beginners. All materials, tools and resources are provided and are included in the cost. Enrol early as spaces are limited.
Course ID: A15
Date: Saturday 5 April Time: 9am-3.30pm Course Length: 1 Day Course Fee: $75 Tutor: Raewyn Rouse Venue: Kamo High School Level: not suitable for beginners All materials provided |
Phone: 09-435-0889 | Location: Wilkinson Ave, Kamo, Whangarei | Email: [email protected]
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